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Supporting the unemployed

Supporting the unemployed

There are a number of ways employers can support those who are unemployed:

For those who are unemployed and motivated to work, having support from an employer to help them get back into the routine of work and to develop their confidence is of real benefit.

An employer can also benefit from supporting those back into work as those who have been unemployed and are motivated to work, are usually grateful for the opportunity and they will be reliable and will work hard to prove they are good workers.

Employers and the NEET Strategy  

In November 2013 the strategy to support those young people who are not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) was launched at a seminar for employers and key stakeholders. The Strategy is a joint initiative between  Education Services, Social Security Department, Skills Guernsey and other stakeholders including employers and those agencies that work directly with young people . In formulating the strategy it was recognised by all stakeholders that the proportion of young people who are not in education, employment or training is very small. This continues to be the case as is demonstrated by the latest statistics that are included in this latest update.

Despite the small numbers it has been recognised that a joined-up approach to supporting all young people entering employment should be established.

Use the documents on this page to find out more about the Strategy and the work going.

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